Besuch aus der USA – unsere Fremdsprachensassistentin stellt sich vor

Besuch aus der USA – unsere Fremdsprachensassistentin stellt sich vor

My name is Evaline, and I am an English Language Assistant at the Walter Gropius Schule.

I am from the United States, and I have lived in a few different places there throughout my life, but my hometown is Louisville, Colorado. (The other places I have lived were Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania; Easton, Pennsylvania; and College Station, Texas).

I have enjoyed getting to see Erfurt and learn about the city. I was placed at this school through the Fulbright program, which selects people from around the world to teach their native language in another country.

I graduated from university last May with a bachelor’s degree in Civil Engineering. I am excited to help students with their English studies and I will work at the Walter Gropius Schule until the end of June, when I will return to the US.

In my free time, I enjoy playing tennis and hiking, as well as practicing German, which I have been learning for the past four years.


Evaline Bearce

Tag der offenen Tür

Auch in diesem Jahr findet an unserer Schule wieder der „Tag der offenen Tür“ statt.

Von der Erlangung des Abiturs im Beruflichen Gymnasium bis zur Ausbildung zum Zimmerer – Wir präsentieren Ihnen vielfältige Möglichkeiten, welche sich an unserer Schule bieten.

Sie sind herzlich willkommen!

Wann? 30. November 2024
09:00 – 10:00 Uhr Elternversammlungen
10:00 – 13:00 Uhr offen für alle Gäste
Wo? Walter-Gropius-Schule Erfurt
Binderslebener Landstraße 162